Feature Tour

Increase Conversion Rate

According to studies, between 50 and 75 percent of online transactions stall out before checkout is completed. The reasons range from technical issues to cold feet, concerns about website security, comparison shopping and beyond. Clearly these shoppers had some level of intent at one point. It has been proven that many of these straying customers can be brought back with a well crafted reminder that you haven't forgotten about them.

Simple Setup

Because your time is important and because no one enjoys confusion, our setup process is designed with speed and simplicity in mind. All you'll need to do is fill out a quick form and then drop some simple code into your website. Oh, did we mention that registering with CartStack is free? We let our service speak for itself.

Custom Email Templates

No one knows how to reach your customers better than you. We provide a template and allow you to plug in your own subject line and customized message, while tweaking visual elements to match your brand. You'll also be able to track basic information like opens, clickthroughs, bounces, unsubscribes and spam reports.

A/B Testing

Always be testing! Our simple A/B testing engine makes it easy for you to run subject line and content tests to figure out which versions provide the best results for your campaign. It's easy to increase conversion rates over time with continuous testing. Every percentage point makes a huge difference when it comes to online sales.

Actionable Reports

Transparency is good. We want you to see how effective our service has been, so you'll have no trouble accessing detailed breakdowns of how many customers you're bringing back and which aspects of your campaign are performing. With this information, you'll be able to make adjustments and maximize sales conversions. We also send out weekly email reports, see an example report.

Real-time Notifications

When a cart is abandoned, we'll notify you immediately via email or text message. This allows you to quickly follow up on stalled sales, keeping the buyer engaged and letting them know that you appreciate their business and don't want to lose them.

Secure Data

Our software solution uses secure (SSL) protection, so you can be confident that your data - and your customers' data - is safe. We don't store payment information and we never share contact information with outside parties.

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